Victoria British Columbia
Fishing trips / Exotic tours
Victoria British Columbia
Fishing trips / Exotic tours
About Us
About Us

150 Ton Unlimited Master
Hi I'm Greg. I've been a professional mariner on the west coast for over 30 years. And a professional guide for over 20 years. I've had a wonderful career in the chartering business for many seasons now. I always tell people the best part of my job as a yacht captain are the people I get to meet, and share my knowledge, stories, experiences, and passion for the ocean with
For many years I commercial fished BC's most remote coastal areas working as a commercial diver, harvesting Geo-Duck clams, Sea Urchins, and Sea Cucumbers. I've also been involved in the commercial Prawn fishery, Herring fishery, and Sockeye fishery.
I am a licensed Tug Boat master and also do Yacht deliveries.

Formerly Hymax Charters
For twenty years I owned and operated Hymax Charters in Tofino BC. I had an amazing time in Tofino but have recently moved to the south Island and have decided to move the business to Victoria. With the move I've decided a name change was in order, we are now Victory Charters and are moored in Victoria.
I've done a lot of diving around the Victoria and Sydney areas for red sea urchins. Suppling the sushi market in Japan with fresh Uni. And I've done many long hauls on the tugs around the south Island. I've always loved this area of the coast and always dreamed about moving my business to Victoria. Well the dream is now realized. I look forward to inviting you onboard the Victory and showing you all the beauty the area has to offer

first mate
big game fishing master
first mate
big game fishing master
Lorenzo has been my first mate for 10 years now. He grew up in the Bahamas fishing with his Dad for big game fish, Blue Marlins, Yellowfin Tuna, Swordfish, Sailfish, Wahoo, Dorado. He loves to fish and to just be out on the water. Together we make an unbeatable team. In his spare time he DJ's and hangs out with his cats, lol.